What is a Medical Mission?

A medical mission aims to provide medical supplies, education, training, and treatment for under-served and vulnerable people around the world.

A medical mission requires extensive planning and the mobilization and coordination of valuable resources. The goal of a medical mission is not only to provide treatment to patients in need, but to empower the local health care providers to care for their patients after the mission itself has ended.

Components of a Medical Mission

Learn more about the main components of a successful medical mission.

Pre-Operative Clinic


Post-Operative Care



I Want to Make a Difference!

For every $4,000 we raise, we are able to ship a 40-foot cargo container full of desperately needed medical equipment to our mission sites in Vietnam & Myanmar.

Our volunteer medical teams train the local practitioners to use the donated equipment, but we need your help to get it there!

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Help improve surgical care programs in developing countries